This “Method of Sorting” Website is designed to be a freely-accessible resource for all who are interested in the Method of Sorting – whether that be described as:
- Card-sorting (apparently the preferred term for those involved in web-design)
- Pile-sorting ( the usual term used in Cognitive Anthropology)
- Free-sorting ( i.e. when subjects are free to choose the number of categories) or fixed sorting (when the number of categories is pre- determined.
… and also
- Q-sorting, when the number of categories and the distribution is pre-determined.
The site is intended to contain information about those working in, or using Sorting Methods
- sorting programs and their evaluation
- Bibliographies and on-going research projects
NewMDSX - multidimensional scaling software
The origins of this site lay with its initiators:
- Tony Coxon (University of Cardiff, who wrote the Sage QASS monograph, Sorting Data: Collection and Analysis, 07-127 (1999) and used the method in a number of research projects)
- David Bimler and John Kirkland, Massey University, New Zealand
- Joachim Harloff (Muenchen, Soft Use).